Future Farm Systems Trial Update 5 Sept 24




This project compares the productivity, profitability and impact on people and the environment on three farms, being:

  1. Baseline (Current) Farm – Kikuyu & ryegrass based pastures with up to 190 kg N/ha/annum, 3.1 cows/ha
  2. Alternative Pastures Farm – Tall fescue & cocksfoot based pastures, up to 190 kg N/ha, 3.1 cows/ha
  3. Low Emissions Farm – Kikuyu & ryegrass based pastures, designed to reduce methane emissions by 25% and nitrous oxide by 50%, no nitrogen applied, 2.3 cows/ha


This project is funded by DairyNZ, MPI (Sustainable Food & Fibre Futures) and Hine Rangi Trust.

Update 5th September 2024 Baseline Farm Alternative Pastures Farm Low Emissions Farm
Avg Pasture Cover (kg DM/ha) 2393 2403 2256
Pasture Growth (kg DM/ha/d, last 2 weeks) * 57 61 44
Rotation Length (days, last 10 days) 33 29 32
Cows in Milk/Total Cows 79/83 81/85 57/64
Production/cow/day (kg MS/cow) 2.09 1.77 2.07
Production/ha/day (kg MS/ha) 5.55 4.92 4.08
Production/cow season to date (kg MS/cow) 53 59 55
Production/ha season to date (kg MS/ha) 164 181 129
SCC  (‘000) 42 40 79
Supplement Offered (kg DM/cow/day) PKE 2.6 0 0
Purchased Supplement Fed season to date

(kg DM/cow)

PKE 210

Baleage 21

PKE 196

Baleage 20

PKE 82
Homegrown Silage Fed to date (kg DM/cow) 0 0 28
Homegrown Silage on hand (kg DM/cow) 0 0 54
Average Body Condition Score (Milkers) 4.3 4.2 4.4
Manager Worry Score (1 = Low, 10 = High) 3 3 3
Nitrogen to date – 2023/24 Season (kg N/ha) 72 68 0
Rainfall (last two weeks) 68    mm

*Pasture growth rates are calculated using uncalibrated platemeter readings


  • Good soil conditions and pasture growth continue to provide higher than normal pasture covers for this time of year. We are close to shutting up silage paddocks on all 3 farms.
  • All herds are now on pasture only feeding. Supplement use is 40-80% lower than last year season-to-date. This time last year all herds were receiving 5-6kg/c/d PKE, as well as silage on the Low Emissions farm.
  • Target residuals are sitting at 1600kgDM/ha for Italian rye/kikuyu paddocks, and 17-1800kgDM/ha on fescue and perennial ryegrass paddocks to try and improve persistence on these species. As residuals rise above these levels we will drop paddocks out for silage harvest.
  • All paddocks have now had an application of S through Ammo36, so we have changed back to Sustain at 60kg/ha. This rate is lower than normal reflecting the excellent growing conditions. N use is 10% behind last year season-to-date.
  • All cows have been metrichecked with 4% treated. Tail painting for premating heats began today. PSM is 1st