Past Work

Future Farm Systems Trial Results Yr 3

Click below for full details of the first 3 years of our Future Farm Systems Trial: Future Farm Systems Summary 2024  

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Annual Results Supplement Trial 2020/21

    This is a detailed summary of the final season of the three year supplement trial “Dairying in a Variable Climate”   Annual Supp Trial Results 20-21

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3 year Summary of Supplement Trial – Lessons learnt

This is a summary of the key lessons learnt from the 3 year Dairying in a Variable Climate trial looking at production and profit responses to adding PKE and other supplements. For more detailed information see the annual summaries at the end of each season. 3 yr Summary – Lessons […]

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Supplement Trial Decision Rules

Click below to see the full set of decision rules we use to manage supplement feeding in our Dairying in a Variable Climate Trial   NDDT Supplement Trial protocol and Decision Rules  

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Mastitis Trial – Effects of Teat Spraying and DCT

  There have been many studies looking at the effects of teat spraying (TS) and dry cow therapy (DCT) as single treatments. This 2011 trial was unique in the way it measured how a combination of teat-spraying and whole herd DCT affect clinical mastitis and production in a pasture-based herd. […]

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Urea v Ammo Trial 2019 Results

This plot trial in spring 2019 looked at pasture responses to Nitrogen, Sulphur and Potash. The trial was driven by farmers asking whether it was economic to apply Ammo or Potash instead of straight urea in spring. Three sites were used to test responses on different soil types Marine Clay […]

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Annual Results Supplement Trial 2019/20

Supplement Use in a Variable Climate Trial results are in for the 2019/20 season. The effect of the drought is clear with all farms dropping in profit by $600 to $1200/ha. The PKE Plus farm was the most profitable for the first time in this trial, but needed the high […]

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For copies of papers presented at field days and conferences click here

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Reducing Reliance on Imported Feed Trial

Northland farmers have clearly identified that they would like to reduce their reliance on imported feed, and need to know the financial implications of this.

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Partner Farm Project

The Northland Partner Farm Project followed on from the success of the Northland Focus Farm. Two further farms were monitored and mentored through three years to make significant improvements in their businesses. Click below for full details

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